雖然有人建議我拿台 EP200 去換 EP255,但我對舊愛感情已深,也知道他的毛病在哪,只要多加呵護,一定可以恢復青春活力的,不必一昧追求新歡。
上回 EP200FES 曾遇到擺尾讓 2612V 鎖不住的問題,經過一番拆解分析,問題全在"震動"上,現在的陀螺儀感度都很高,因此對於振動的防制是絕對必要的,不然陀螺儀就無法發揮應有的功能。
安裝 2702V 時,為了減少振動對陀螺儀的影響,於是把它裝在加強的底板上,遠離振動最大的第二層板,也為將來測試更靈敏的陀螺做準備。
設定 2702V 很簡單,搖桿控制十字盤方向弄對後,跑一遍十字盤設定程序,就會抓到 AILE 和 PIT 伺服機方向,若自動調整方向相反則切開關就能解決。
最後決定把伺服行程調最大,先把十字盤混控的 AILE 和 ELEV 設 100% 再跑一遍設定程序,這樣可以把伺服機可動範圍調到最大,設好極限後才調降混控率。
會這麼做的原因是觀察來的,若依照說明書把混控設 80% 去調極限,得到的結果有點詭異,當螺距打到極限時再動副翼的話,只見 AILE 和 PIT 兩顆伺服機只有一顆會動,因為不動的那顆已經達到設定極限,不能再轉下去了。
調校完成後,EP200 又開始新生活了,少了平衡翼,主旋翼的振動極小,陀螺儀可以發揮應有的功能。
第一次試飛時採取保守設定,接收機上的 DELAY 都設 50%,感度也是 50%,發射機上螺距和十字盤也都是 50%,飛起來極其平穩但動作緩和。
後來慢慢調整嘗試,DELAY 全部最小,感度全部最大,十字盤 65% 混控,螺距 55%,這樣保有靈活性並兼顧穩定性。
感覺 RX-2702V 的平衡效果比 2612V 好,鎖尾強了許多,飛行高度的控制較精準,所以我可以穩穩的起飛降落,個人感覺比以前好飛 20% 吧。
測試時把十字盤感度調到 100% 飛起來手感不錯,有種機子變大台的錯覺,而且在正負螺距交替時的機身晃動可以減到最小。
唯一還不滿意的是鎖尾,感度大於 65% 則自旋剎車會彈,等於 65% 又沒辦法把尾巴定住像根棍子,瞬間大螺距會輕搖一下,下次再改變拉桿位置試看看。
整體來說 RX-2702V 算是有進步的,因為以前的我好像很少能像這段影片這麼穩的起飛,現在翻滾後更容易控制高度,也比較不飄。
雖然最近左岸不斷有人說 2702V 飛行中途會讓馬達斷電等問題,然而我在 RCG 上面看到的卻是好評不斷,只要不要買到第一版就沒問題,所以我還是繼續用吧。
同樣的經驗也在 V120D02 上印證了!因為比較喜歡 4G6S 所以對 V120 沒有特別照顧,這次特別拿他來回味一下,不料飛沒多久十字盤就傾斜,另外機子也滑溜到很難控制。
十字盤傾斜是因為電池沒電,而飛沒多久就沒電是因為 JST 插座氧化,把電池和機子上的接點都用復活劑保養過就好多了。
為此又重新嘗試所有調整項目,才發現 Delay 的功用,只是他的動作比較特別。
最後調出一個折衷值 50%,配合最大十字盤感度,飛起來比以前好許多,既有穩定度又不至於搖晃。飛起來終於不會喝醉似的搖晃了,而航道飛行似乎又比以前好一點,只是抬頭狀況還是免不了,但是輕微些。
呵呵,這周末幫張無忌試飛他剛到手的 Trex 450 Pro,雖是二手機但沒飛過幾次,看起來質感比我的粗糙小機好很多。
原來 PRO 版和 SPORT 的差異還蠻多的,雖然緊實但比較難修理。
電變用上高檔的卡斯特 50A,不管怎麼飛都夠用。
- 1樓@@ 小弟今年也為自己添購了一台T-Rex 450 Sport,本想為新
難看,看了您的Blog看到那台450 Pro上配的AVIO GS730,不
曉得會不會更佳穩定呢? - harrycomm 於 February 24, 2011 04:15 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 3樓最近250給我了一個啟示,直升機轉速不能太高,亞拓說明書上
問題,把遙控器打開敲敲打打就好了!! - peter 於 February 24, 2011 06:31 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 5樓嗨!E大你好,我的WASP V3一直以來只要換成吃7.4V的電池
RC問,每次都回答哪種大家都會的答案,真是三條線,哈~ - a1987777 於 February 26, 2011 05:56 PM 回應 | 來源: | 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 6樓HI E大昨天我又想了想,會不會是需要改T插才OK,
我真搞不懂。 - a1987777 於 February 27, 2011 10:11 AM 回應 | 來源: | 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 7樓多謝E大,這種7.4V電池真是問題多多,我WASP的確快
問題問題,讓我請客一次吧! - a1987777 於 February 27, 2011 10:56 AM 回應 | 來源: | 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 8樓ej大大你好想請教你rx2612v要怎麼調整還有擺放位子.
我是450的機子 - 於 March 28, 2011 06:39 PM 回應 | 來源: | 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 9樓Hi ej大,
Can turn off 2702v's 3-axis gyro and act like
a HH
gyro + receiver????
Thanks sin!
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 September 19, 2011 11:19 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 10樓Hi ej大,
Thanks a lot! I have another question. Can rx2702v
work with emax es08d?? Thanks!
Regards/An Ng - Ah Ng 於 September 20, 2011 12:48 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 11樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for your help. I am using ssd-101us as my
tail servo. You said it run too fast and
gyrosens cannot >65%. Can you finally solve the
problem with it or just like to said in other
forum, using walkera servo instead. If other
servo for tail is better, is there any good
suggestion for cheap tail servo. I don't want to
use walkera servo as there is no spare servo
gear available and need to buy a new one if it
break the gears.
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 September 23, 2011 12:27 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 12樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for help. But can I set the gyrosens to
higher than 65%?? And with larger tail delay, can
2702v/101su combination has a good tail hold???
Thanks!! - Ah Ng 於 September 23, 2011 11:14 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 14樓Hi ej大,
I have heard that there is a lot of failure
report on Rx2702v in different forums. Some say
it is firmware issue. Some say it is esc
matching issue. Do you have any experience to
share???? I am using stock Trex250 ESC and will
go to get a WK-7601 servo today. My little heli
is still on the ground. I am not an experienced
flyer and I only play with my m120d01 for around
4 months. Can do 3 sides hovering now. BTW, Wk-
7601 seems quite bargain if it will not stop
working normally like my M120d01 rudder servo.
Cheers/Ah Ng - 於 September 24, 2011 01:38 PM 回應 | 來源: | 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 15樓Dear Hi ej大,
Thanks so much for your help! And you are so kind
who answer me that many question.
Mine is new version and hope that it works well.
If like playing RC car, I will try adding a cap to
the battery outlet! Any spec for the cap??
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 September 27, 2011 12:54 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 16樓Dear ej大,
Thanks so much!!!
I finally get my little heli up in the sky......
after I burnt my ssd-101us. I suppose it is
dead. It works in very first beginning. After 10
sec, it build up heat and running slower and
slower. 30 sec latter, it stop moving and draw
out all the power and make the receiver stop
working. It keep like this and finally I get my
7601 to the heli and the problem gone. But why
it burns my servo??? The issue happened when I
was setting the servo travel point. I remember I
came across this when I setup the heli. It keep
build up heat but actually it is on the ground.
But in one time it stay cool. Do you have
similar experience to share????
I am so exciting. The heli is so stable as I use
both flybar and 2702 at the same time. I still
got some tail wags in 62% gyro sense. Anything
to go for it? Tail delay??? BTW, is there
anything like belt tension which affect it?? - Ah Ng 於 September 27, 2011 10:54 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 17樓Dear ej大,
Thanks a lot!
I think I have no mechanical binding. I take the
servo and let it stays without any action, it
still build up heat. But anyway, I just let it
For the 7601, I will try the shortest horn hole
and I will test it tonight. Hope that I could
have good result.
Thanks! - Ah Ng 於 September 28, 2011 12:44 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏 | 回覆
- 18樓Hi ej大,
Are you using 6V BEC setting for 2702?? BTW,
poor me has the set button broken in my 2702. I
need to short the pole inside to trigger the
setup. Currently looking for replacement for the
broken button.
On the other hand, I still have tail wag on it.
What setting you use in the tail delay and gyro
sense?? And some say too tight belt tension will
cause tail wag. Would you share your experience
in setting the tail???
Thanks a lot!
Poor Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 September 29, 2011 01:24 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 19樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for your advise. I've finally found out
the problem. Which I use sub-trim in my tail
rudder. It causes excessive vibration as it
keeps the rudder servo in command. On the other
hand, do you use sub-trim to level the servo
horn for those CCPM servos? I doubt it cannot do
it as well. Even though I have flybar install
together with rx2702v, I have to set the
sensitivity on the cyclic to lower to make it
works. Otherwise it will suddenly shake like
crazy. I suspect it is because I use a lot of
sub-trim to level the servo horn.
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 6, 2011 12:12 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 20樓Dear ej大,
Thanks for explanation!!! I have ordered the new
Tarot 250 fbl head and it is on the way. Did you
ordered one??? It is much more cheaper than
Align and Microheli. Around 170 HKd! BTW, will
共震 happen with fbl head as well?? I hope the 共
震 is not caused by subtrim like tail rudder.
Because I use a lot of subtrim to level the
servo horn on CCPM servos.
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 6, 2011 10:47 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 21樓Hi ej大,
I have just tested with using a longer servo
horn on my rudder servo. The result is negative.
The shortest hole result in good tail hold in
normal flight. But it hunts tail when pump up in
pitch and thro to climb up suddenly. With longer
servo horn, result in decrease of force and
resolution, it get worse in tail hold under same
gyro sense. As a result, I suspect WK7601's
torque is not large enough to hold the tail. Do
you have similar result?? I plan to change a
rudder servo with more torque. Do you have any
Thanks in advance!
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 7, 2011 12:51 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 22樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for your information. I have set the travel
limit on my rudder servo according to the
instruction given by Walkera. Is there any more
adjustment to help on draft issue? Thanks in
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 7, 2011 12:31 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 23樓Hi ej大,
Finally I drill a hole which make it 4.5mm in
length for the rudder servo horn. Now the rudder
delay set to min and gyro sense on 67%. The tail
is ok for normal flight but still has around 20
degree draft when giving a pitch pump.
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 7, 2011 11:50 PM 回應 | 來源: |
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- 24樓Hi ej大,
I think the subtrim that I previous set for the
rudder servo wk7601 had done an unforgivable
mistake that the rudder servo dead yesterday.
Finally I went to get a henge md922 and it work
very good. I am now have my gyro sense set to
72%. It holds the tail great! However it still
have little (around 10%) anticlockwise tail
draft in hard throttle increase. On the other
hand, I found that the tail delay must match
with different servos which vary from speed. The
henge md922 is not very fast. It moves 60 degree
in 0.07sec under 6V. If I decrease delay time,
the same gyro sense cannot hold the tail. If I
increase the delay time, the tail can be hold
still even increase the gyro sense, it heat up
the tail servo.
Cheers/Happy Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 10, 2011 12:18 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 25樓Hi ej大,
For 0.07sec 60 degree speed, the rudder delay I
use is around 3:30 (in a clock). This makes my
rudder servo run cold. For the instance throttle
up caused draft, not sure how to fix it. But I
notice some drop of motor speed indeed. Would
you mind share your setup such as thro curve and
pitch curve??? Thanks!
Cheers/Happy Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 10, 2011 12:19 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 26樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for your information. I have finally
install the FBL head from tarot and have a test
flight. I still use sub-trim for the ccpm servo.
When I decrease the balance delay and increase
the sensitivity, my little heli suddenly swing
and shake and cannot control. I finally switched
to throttle hold and let it fell from around 15
feet high. I broke the featuring shaft only and
it is the best I could have. Now I have question
that is the subtrim affecting it?? Or even I use
no subtrim and level the CCPM swash by adjust
the linkage, it still get crazy when balance
delay and sense too high. I doubt the 3-axis
gyro act like take gyro. - Ah Ng 於 October 15, 2011 02:28 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 27樓Hi ej大,
Thanks for your advise. I think why I lost the
control is because the SwaatMix value is too high.
I use 80% to setup. I down to 60% afterward but it
seems to be too high. I am using Tarot's new
250FBL head and it give to much when stay in 60%.
Now I am waiting for the part to repair the head.
I will double check on the pitch next time I
install the head. Thanks! - Ah Ng 於 October 18, 2011 04:53 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 28樓前輩您好,可否請教您一個問題..有關於2702v的設定~
但切到 IDEO (ST-1 或 ST-2 運動模式)尾巴就鎖不住~~
機子是會慢慢左右搖擺後..再開始自旋..要馬上切回 NORM
模式 ~
(2801遙控器是設定 NORM 約 72% , IDEO 約 68%)
芎林..范先生. - Alan 芎林 於 October 19, 2011 03:01 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 29樓Hi ej大,
I found that I might come across too much
correction on my 2702 in my last crash. I
remember there was a wind blow and my 250
started to swing and no longer able to made it
stable again. Actually I came across similar
situation on my m120d01. I finally turn down its
sensitivity and Aile/Elev.EXT to ease the
situation. I saw that you have quite a lot
experience on walkera 3 axis gyro. Should I use
100% swash mix value to set the 2702 and turn it
down when actually fly it. Will it result the
same over correction??
Thanks in advance! - Ah Ng 於 October 20, 2011 12:16 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 30樓Dear ej大,
Thanks a lot! That's why I wonder! What I came
across was the heli suddenly look like it lost
the balance function and made me very difficult
to stable it stable. I can hover the machine on
3 sides and fly the 8 figure (outward). It
happen when I hover the machine. Suddenly a wind
blew, it loses it position rapidly. I start
correct it with stick movement. However,
whatever small among of opposite stick input I
gve, it responses like I have given a full stick
movement and swing back to the opposite
direction even faster. And finally, it out of my
control and I have to let it flaw in throttle
hold. But of course, I did not try just let it
swing and watch whether it will slow down or not
(flying field is not large enough).
Poor Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 20, 2011 11:35 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 31樓Dear ej大,
Thanks a lot!
I think I have been a fool and made a great
mistake. I suppose the gain on the movement is
pretty the same btw flybar and bell head. But I
was wrong. Today I got my heli fixed. I serious
measure the pitch it gives and found that a 50%
of pitch swashmix already produce +- 10 degree
pitch. While I did fly 70% swashmix value on the
day I crashed my heli. I suppose the it
mechanically exceed the limit and finally cause
out the problem. I measured and adjust all
swashmix value and it is now a:40; e:40 (+-7
degree); p:50 gives me stable hovering and fly
if 8 circle. Hope it is the root cause but at
lease I safely have 2 batteries of flight!!!
Thanks! - Ah Ng 於 October 21, 2011 11:27 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 32樓Dear ej大,
Yes! You are right. May be I am too green for
this. No shortcut at all! I am stupid and I should
know it much more early as I came similar
situation in my m120d01! BTW, thanks a lot and I
learnt a lot from you!!
Cheers/Ah Ng - Ah Ng 於 October 24, 2011 12:33 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏 | 回覆
- 33樓Dear ej大,
Would you please help advise, is the sum of pit
value and either elev and aile cannot exceed 100
in swashmix value. I want to know more why "若依
動,因為不動的那顆已經達到設定極限"?? If using 100%
for elev and aile to do the setup in 2702 and
then keep this value. Will the servo still
restrict to move when full pitch up or down???
Thanks! - Ah Ng 於 October 24, 2011 10:50 PM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 34樓前輩您好,
今天又去試飛了一下,開了IDEO 模式,尾巴已經鎖得住了~
(2801遙控器 GYRO 是設定 NORM & IDEO 都是 78%)
也可以小做鐘擺 & 翻滾 的動作了~~~
但現在就只剩下一個問題,停旋的時候 或 做完動作要恢復停
45%-->40%-->35%-->30%-->25% 這區間都會抖動(停旋
對了~~可否再請較前輩您一下~~有關於 另一個調整扭
小弟我的尾伺服機是 亞拓DS520 所以把 DELAY 關到最小,
而十字盤的3顆是 DS929 ...那 DELAY 也是要關到最小嗎?
有點搞不懂 DELAY 的功能到底是什麼耶~~
小弟我..為了調這顆2702V ..已經重摔了3~4次..一直不願
芎林 范先生. - Alan 芎林 於 October 25, 2011 11:01 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 35樓回覆32樓的飛友~~
之後再去降你的混控值(我的要降到65% = +-12度)
再調調整您需要的 D/R 大小動 & EXP 靈敏曲線..等等
這樣再去看您的十字盤,在最低點&最高點..是否有CCPM 動作
跟您分享一下!! - Alan 芎林 於 October 25, 2011 11:13 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 36樓前輩您好~~
抖動了..至於開到IDEO 模式,ST1的時候也不太會抖動了(機
身左右搖晃)..就只有 ST2 的時候..在停旋點(半空中吊著)
會發生抖動..但上下飛行(直上直下..正負 PIT)或做鐘擺..
側擺..翻滾..的時候..都不會有抖動的情況發生 ,但一停
就像我的尾伺機..用亞拓500的 DS520 大顆的~~ 尾巴的
delay 就不能調到最小,現在大約在15%~18%之間,太小尾巴
會抖動到不行(因為訊號太快了)..轉過20% 又反應過慢,打尾
後面要再解決 ST2 停旋時候的抖動..相信再調整個幾次..應
幾顆RX-2437S(CB180Z 直升機的三軸接收)來應用在飛機
上,會自動平衡飛行動態唷^^ 風在大也不怕..因為住風城嘛
芎林 范先生 - Alan 芎林 於 October 28, 2011 12:08 AM 回應 | 來源: |
| 刪除 | 設為隱藏
- 37樓前輩您好~~
就是一顆伺服機(副翼) 間隙過大的問題~~
門..擺臂都會上下跳動~~ 實際飛行..在停旋的時候..就很容
正~~~(難怪..航道飛行& 3D做動作的時候不會抖動)
剛剛沒事做 把先前掃齒的929拆掉~對調內部的金屬齒輪^^交
(多少會有一點..正常 新的也是有點間隙) 結果好啦~~ 抖
~~ 證明這一顆 2702V 華科爾3G 還蠻OK 的說~~~
跟前輩您分享一下囉^^ 也謝謝您的指導!!
芎林 范先生. - Alan 芎林 於 October 29, 2011 02:21 AM 回應 | 來源: |
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